Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sci Fi Sunday!

      I backed a couple of Sci Fi RPG Kickstarters recently, the PDF's for them arrived in my inbox just a few days ago. While they are different systems (Rag-Tag is a rules lite take on the Fragged Empire RPG, and Thirteen Parsecs is an OSResque system), I find myself wanting to combine elements of the two together...we shall see. So far, I've been too busy with work and family stuff to dive into them, but soon! Very soon!  

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Happy Simian Saturday!

 Happy Simian Saturday Everyone!

Just some AI generated Lego Fun for your Saturday morning!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lego Mania!

 Happy Saturday everyone!

Hope you all are doing well and getting some quality time in with family and friends. Had to go to Wally World recently and on a whim, I picked up a Lego Battle Pack and a Lego "sort of compatible" Hot Wheels car (didn't know they made these). Also, a friend recently gifted me a pack of Lego compatible cool weapons for minifigs. Legos sure have come a long way yet are still compatible with stuff from my childhood. 

     As a kid, I loved Legos, but didn't have very many, my pride and joy (and the only actual true set I had) was the original Yellow Castle set.  I saved up money from mowing yards and doing other work to be able to buy it.   Then came the great Vacuum Disaster! My grandmother decided to help clean the house and proceeded to knock off the castle, and then vacuumed up many of the pieces. The castle was never the same again.  Sadness...
     I've toyed with trying to rebuild it, but yikes the classic sets are way expensive. Hmmm something to ponder. There is a Bricks N' Minifigs near my house, I'm tempted to visit it.  Definitely a slippery slope, I have a ton of 28mm minis, but the Lego Minifigs are calling me again. I have several already that I have picked up over the years, you can see a few old posts about them. 
     I also found where Modiphius has put out a BrikWars rules set, allowing you to use minifigs for tabletop skirmish, unfortunately, Lego apparently has taken issue with the art and you can't buy the book now??!! Modiphius is redoing the art, so the book won't be available for some time.  Argh!  

     Meanwhile I can play around with AI Art to prompt my imagination for Brik Battles! 

Have a great Saturday! 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Sector 85: Adventures Beyond the Stars - Compatible with Stars Without Number

       Long time readers of this blog will know that I am a big fan of Kevin Crawford's Stars Without Number RPG.  Before Covid, I ran a SWN homebrew campaign that was loads of fun and the players really enjoyed it! It ended in a TPK, but the players still occasionally bring up fun moments from the campaign. While I haven't posted about SWN or the many other Without Number games in a while, I am still a huge fan of Kevin Crawford's work. His tables are worth the price of admission alone. I recently (today) came across a new 3PP product for SWN:

Sector 85: Adventures Beyond the Stars!  (SWN Compatible)

     This looks like loads of fun! Late 70's and 80's Sci Fi is my jam! And this setting is all about that!

Here is the blurb from the author about the product!


Sector-85 presents a setting inspired by and emulating low-budget science fiction movies and TV series from the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

These stories emphasize action and adventure. They are often set in what appears to be the California desert—sometimes Spain, sometimes Argentina. Sets are re-dressed factories and public works facilities decorated with tattered fishing nets, corrugated metal, and piles of junk. Lasers flash in brilliant streaks and go “Pew! Pew!” Anything struck by a laser explodes in a shower of sparks. Abandon any notion of realistic space physics or cutting edge computer science. Robots come in three flavors: sexy android, comic relief, and menacing war-bot. Computers save data on bulky storage media. The good guys wear distressed leather jackets and riding boots. The bad guys are bald cyborgs and maniacal dictators, or both.

The most powerful faction in Sector-85 is the Orion Federation, a noble democratic alliance based on exploration, science, democratic ideals, and the peaceful and equitable resolution of conflicts.

The Orion Federation has fought two wars in the last twenty-five years against a powerful totalitarian regime known as the Nova Concord. The Concord survives today as a covert criminal and terrorist network known as the Nova Underground.

The defeat of the Nova Concord has opened the way for new factions to rise up and expand. The New World Coalition is gaining popularity with the former worlds of the Concord. The recently discovered Ministry of Avon is seeking to exert its influence on its new neighbors. The unstoppable Go-Tan Armada closes in from beyond the sector with no force to stand in its way.


This product is divided into four sections.


A broad-strokes history of Sector-85, designed to slot neatly into existing Stars Without Number timelines.


Brief overviews of the major competing factions of Sector-85 along with game statistics.


A one- or two-page description of each of the star systems in Sector-85. Each system description includes information on every planet in that system. Each system also includes a short plot hook or story idea based on a low-budget movie or TV series from the 60s, 70s, or 80s.


Appendices include game statistics for fourteen spacecraft common to the sector, along with a list of inspirational TV series and movies."

I'm gonna see if my players would be interested in trying this out.  I need a break from Fantasy gaming. And some 80's esque SWN Sci Fi might be just what the doctor ordered!

Have a great weekend!!  -B.B.!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Planet of the Apes RPG Kickstarter (Minis and More)


Due to work and family I'm behind on this Planet of the Apes RPG update.

The Kickstarter is Underway!!!!

Please note I am not affiliated with this project just a PotA fan. 

Also go check out my friend's blog RPG Overviews for a great  Ape RPG info video.

Have a great Simian Saturday, hope you get some gaming in, hang out with friends and family and be kind to each other! 


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Official Planet of the Apes RPG Primer


No, it isn't Simian Saturday, BUT I didn't want to wait till Saturday to post about this.

Check out The Planet of the Apes RPG Primer over HERE

Good to see some D6 system options, and with Apes no less and classic POTA for the win!!! 

Gotta run! Watch out for those Gorilla Soldiers!  

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Planet of the Apes RPG (a bit more info...)

 I mentioned yesterday about the upcoming Planet of the Apes RPG, I have a bit more information today.

"The game will use the Magnetic Variant system which is a variation of the D6 System created by West End Games for their licensed RPGs Ghostbusters and Star Wars in the 1980s."

It will have resin miniatures.  Here's some new pictures...

I'll be watching this one very closely.  I still have my copy of Apes Victorious, but this could be interesting.  Stay Tuned!

Knave Solo Part 3


     The stinging crimson rain continued to fall, the wind whipping the drops about, even getting past Raze's Hazard Wrap.  Reepr burrowed deeper into Raze's backpack, as Raze continued to look about for shelter. He passed a wheeled cart of trade goods, it was knocked over, various small tools, bits and bobs, littered the ground, it's owner no doubt panicked by the dangerous storm had knocked over his cart, and abandoned it, seeking shelter.  Probably some decent loot there, but no time to stop and if the acidic rain continued the goods would be likely rendered worthless before all was said and done. 

     Rounding a side street he spies a little girl crying, she has fallen down in the street and crawled under a small, overturned wagon to try to get out of the stinging rain, a few drops were still splattering on her and burning her skin. Raze spied the girl's mother from the doorway of a shack across the way, frantically calling to the girl to come to her. The mother clearly had a lame leg and couldn't run. The girl was terrified. Raze ran over picked up the terrified child, sheltered her under his hazard wrap, which caused more drops to hit him, and ran to the girl's mother, the grateful mother took the child from Raze's arms, then promptly slammed the door in his face, and he could clearly hear the door being triple barricaded and locked from the other side. He paused in the stinging rain for only a second then kept running, looking for shelter...What's the old saying? No good deed goes unpunished?...

     Quickly moving down the streets, trying to use the nearby buildings to give him some measure of cover from the biting rain, Raze ponders his situation...some scout he is.. on the run from an acid rain storm while still in the city.. Idiot! Raze finds a slight overhang from an old building that gives him slight cover but not much, the wind is still whipping the stinging rain into his face, he covers himself with his hazard wrap as best he can. Its raining hard now, he catches his breath and looks about.  Down the nearby alley he sees a heavy-duty tarp flapping over what looks like a big hole in the side of an old building. He sees the flap move and a gloved hand pops out, motioning him to come that come inside?!

     The rain slackens just a bit and Raze makes a run for it.  He has no idea who this is, but if he stays out here his gear will be ruined at best, at worse... well better get moving... Stinging, acrid rain bites his face as he races for the flapping tarp on the side of the old building. He ducks inside, just as the rain starts to pour down even harder.  Darting inside, it is dark, musty and he smells something...something that smells animal of some sort?!!!! 

To be continued....

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Knave Solo Part 2


         Now out of coin, but happy with his new "pet" Hunting Eel, Raze Harrow realizes he needs to earn some coin.  Thankfully he bought provisions for his Wasteland scouting mission before he blew the last of his coin on his new pet. He wonders if he should also try to recruit an adventuring companion or two to accompany him? All he could offer them at this point is an equal share of any loot they might find. He could definitely use some extra muscle on this adventure, the wastelands were nothing to trifle with... 

         He passes the Temple of the Wondrous Worm...that odd religion that worships the massive carnivorous sandworms that live in the wastelands...odd folk, seems like a good way to get eaten to him. Raze picks up his pace to quickly move past the strange cultists proselytizing out in front of their temple. 

         Rounding the corner Raze smells something delicious, "Reepurrr" his Hunting Eel sniffs the air from its hiding place in his backpack. "Yeah, that smells good, sadly its rations for us until we can get some more coin." Raze spots the source of the smell, a little food vendor stall tucked in the alley by the temple. "Two Cheesy Rats" was the name of the place, although their attempt to provide a drawing/image of what two cheesy rats looked like left much to be desired.  Hmmm... cheese fried rats...Not a combo he would have thought of. Didn't matter he was broke so keeps walking. 

        While passing the food vendor, Raze overhears some merchants talking. He catches them mention problems with caravans reaching the city.  Apparently, bandit activity is a real issue. The Twisted Teeth Bandits were causing a lot of problems, more so than normal. They were hitting caravans heading through one of the few "safe" passages across the wastes that avoids Sand Worm territory. And to make matters worse the Zebra Gnolls were moving into the area as well. Not to mention The Jackals! Their raids though sporadic, only makes things worse... Raze would file that information away, good to know what factions are out there stirring up trouble. 

        Raze notices storm clouds moving in...a breeze stirs up, it has a strange acrid taste to it...It generally doesn't rain here, especially this time of year,, and those storm clouds don't look good. they have a strange dark red hue to them.. his recruiting efforts would have to wait, Raze needed to get to shelter and by the looks of the clouds and winds picking up...soon!  

          Raze had been staying at the Sleeping Hog Inn, wasn't the best place to stay, but by far it wasn't the worst. Now that he is broke, he can't even afford to stay at The Loathsome Fingerbone, its claim to fame was flea ridden beds, roach stew, backed up latrines, and a foul looking weird fingerbone kept in a jar of green goo behind the counter. Hmmm...storm was moving in pretty quick now, folk were clearing out of the streets and alleys, heading to shelter, wind was picking up, the acrid smell increased, even the air had a acrid taste about it...and why did the clouds have that strange reddish tint to them? This wasn't good...not good at all. 

         Raze gets concerned and looks about for some sort of shelter.  The wind whips up more, bits of gravel and sand are blown about, a misty rain begins to fall, but it isn't a normal rain, it has a reddish tint to it. And as it rains harder the drops get thicker and start to smoke where they hit the ground, where they hit Raze's bare skin it stings and burns. Raze realizes his hazard wrap, while shabby, is giving him some protection, but he can't stay out here indefinitely....  The streets are empty now, doors closed, windows shuttered... stinging crimson rain starts to come down hard, his hazard wrap helps, but he has to find shelter and soon.....         

To be continued...

                                             Crimson Rain

     I used Knave 2nd ed. tables for much of this process. With some inspiration from The Weird Wastelands (yeah it is 5E) book. 
I'm also incorporating things from Vaults of Vaarn, because..Why Not? 

     I'm enjoying solo play more and more. I'm able to squeeze in a quick session here and there. Oh, and for anyone paying attention, yes, I updated Raze's picture and tweaked his name a bit, included some additional rolls out of Vaarn for some extra gear and stuff. I like the character much better now.  Stay tuned for more!

Simian Saturday: The Planet of the Apes RPG!!

 Hot off the press here is a big announcement just in time for Simian Saturday!

From Bleeding Cool News there will be a Planet of the Apes RPG! Including miniatures!  I'm not sure what scale, I hope 28mm but 32+ seems to be the new thing. No release date, but I'm excited to see classic Planet of the Apes getting some attention! 

Hope you all have a very Happy Simian Saturday!!

Friday, April 5, 2024

Knave Solo Part 1

                 Continuing my Solo play of Knave 2nd Edition.  

      Although a skilled scout and trapper, Raze realizes heading out alone in the Wastes is unwise. He decides to see if he can acquire a hunting beast to assist him in his endeavors. Not having much luck in the regular trader's markets and stalls around Bethmoora, he tries his luck along the fringes of the city. 

     On the outskirts of Bethmoora, Raze finds a refugee camp where his coin may be a bit more valuable. Although he holds his coin purse tightly, concerned about pickpockets and thieves. These refugees are a strange lot apparently fleeing an invasion of their homeland and ending up on the outskirts of Bethmoora. They are scarlet skinned, with white wavy hair and unusual yellow eyes. Most having several piercings on their bodies, and oddly enough none appear to be older than middle age... He notes that the communities' sexual behaviors are much more open than he is accustomed too, he decides to not judge these folk (to each his own) but avoids being alone with any of the individuals he encounters that try to entice him. 

     After some time, he finds Krah; a sort of trader, apparently this refugee was some sort of beast tamer in his previous life and indicates he has a hunting beast that may be of interest to Raze. Krah shows Raze a strange beast, a Cerlulean Hunting Eel! a blue furred, serpentine creature that takes right to Raze and gives a soothing purr as it gently wraps around his arm and licks his cheek with its long tongue. Raze decides he must have such a fantastic creature, and before he realizes it, he spends all of his coin to buy the beast.  Krah smiles and tells him the eel is named Reaper.  Raze likes that and departs the camp, poorer in coin but happy with his purchase. He ponders for a moment, he never asked how big the eel would get??...

     Short little session tonite, before some family time. This was loads of fun! I used Knave 2nd ed, some random tables from Worlds Without Number and the One-Page Mythic rules.  Raze has an awesome furry companion but is now broke.  I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!  

Knave 2nd Ed. (starting a Solo Campaign)

      Being a sucker for random tables and generators, I backed the Knave 2nd Edition Kickstarter, having a little downtime today, I took the tables for a spin.  Just using the plethora of random tables you can have a ton of fun with this!  I also recently watched a Youtube video about using Knave 2nd ed to develop a campaign (great video).        

     First, I need a character.  Fortunately creating characters in Knave is super quick.  A few rolls later and I had a character. First level characters are dubbed Wretches!  Love it! Behold Raze Harrow! Oh and I added a few things from Vaults of Vaarn, why not, its cool!

Raze Harrow
Background:  Trapper, Scout

Str 0  Dex 0  Con 2 Int 0 Wis 1 Cha 0

Armor : Shield 1 Ap       5 Hit Points

Shabby Hazard Wrap (Immunity from radiation and toxins, AC 12 for OSR games, Vaults of Vaarn)

Basher (Mace)   1d6 damage

Plinker (Short Bow)  1d6 damage  

Equipment: Quiver 20 arrows, 2 torches, 130 coins, 2 rations, 50’ rope, Bear trap, Bear pelt, 300’ twine, signal flags, black grease, dice

Additional Gear (Vaults of Vaarn): Cast Iron Skillet, Skin of Wine, 

Crystalline Knife (Vaults of Vaarn): 1d6+1 damage (razor sharp) +d6 damage on mineral-based creatures or automatons and on a critical hit inflicts an extra d6 damage and the blade snaps off into the wound and a new blade "grows" from the hilt 

Exotica (Vaults of Vaarn): Mirror Ring - Projects a hologram copy of the wearer that mimics their actions.

     So that took me to the next step... where would Raze be adventuring?  

     I rolled on the Wilderness Region table and was excited to roll Wasteland!  Long time blog readers will know that I LOVE wasteland settings!  So very cool.  I decided that given Raze's background as a Scout and Trapper he has been hired to scout out and explore the Wasteland! Maybe he may try to trap some of the exotic beasts he encounters during his explorations, rare pelts and strange beast partscould fetch a nice price in certain like those found in Bethmoora

     I've become rather intrigued by Matt's Bethmoora Campaign idea. So maybe Raze is setting out from Bethmoora to scout the wastes near Bethmoora, 

     I'll expound more on this concept in future posts.. I've not really done "true" Solo play, so that's where the next book comes into play.  The Mythic Gamemaster Emulator Deluxe, 2nd Edition will be the next resource I use.  Matt Jackson has been posting about Solo play over on his blog,   I'm trying to decide if I want to go with the full Mythic GME, or maybe just the Mythic One Page option instead. More to come!

Update: added some additional gear and things using the random tables from Vaults of Vaarn, great game by the way! 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Wasted World : Bethmoora; The Rim of Hell

          I've been reading over the Wasted World rules for EZD6, and in talking to my buddy Matt, I suggested he adapt his Bethmoora fantasy campaign idea to the Post-Apocalyptic genre. He worked up some images with MJ and I think they are pretty cool.  Check them out HERE. I love the idea of a local boss having set up a base of operations along the rim of a large crater filled with untold ruins, treasures and dangers.  Maybe the boss and his goons have set up a system of pulleys and lifts that can lower scavengers down into the ruins, they will bring you back up (if you survive) but the boss gets a % of whatever loot you find!  

     The "community" around the crater rim can be a sort of "Deadwood" like operation.  With Taverns, Brothels, Gambling Dens and other businesses to get scavengers to spend their hard-earned loot.  Other businesses can have various tools and devices for sale to help with scavenging, some of which may not be the most safe or reliable.  

     All sorts of NPC's can inhabit such a place.  Maybe some sell maps that claim to show the location of lost loot, who knows, maybe a few are legit?  Not to mention weird cults that could have their own purposes for delving into the ruins, or don't want things discovered. 

     Let me know what you think? I think this sort of setting could work well with a sort of West Marches, er.. I mean Rad Marches type of campaign. EZD6 seems to be a fun system that lets you jump into play quickly, yet still gives you some interesting character creation options.  More to come!

Friday, March 29, 2024

EZD6 Wasted World


     Wasted World, the Post-Apocalyptic expansion for the EZD6 TTRPG just released, my book arrived a few days ago. I haven't had time to dig into it just yet, but the artwork looks great, and it has a classic Gamma World feel to it.  

     Those who are long time followers of my blog, know that Post Apocalyptic RPG's (like Gamma World, Mutant Future etc) have a special place in my gamer heart.  The older I get the more I am drawn to quasi-gonzo PA settings.  I think given the state the current world is in; I don't want my gaming time to be about overly dark and depressing stuff. So, my PA style is more Gonzo Gamma World and not The Road type stuff (what a depressing movie that was).

     EZD6 looks to be loads of fun, rules lite and with a Gamma World vibe to it.  I only have the EZD6 Core book in PDF format, so looks like I will need to pick up the book form for that as well.  I know digital is all the rage, but I prefer real books at my table. Just an old grognard I guess. 

     I'll be posting more content for EZD6 Wasted World as time permits, now to convince my friends and players to give it a try.  Most folks I know are still heavy in to 5E, but P.A.gaming! That's my jam! 

     Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and get some gaming in! Life is short, enjoy friends and family while you can!  

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Star Scoundrels: Na-Bani

Happy Saturday all, sorry haven't posted in a bit, been working on real life stuff.  Thought I would post another alien species for Star Scoundrels.  Hope everyone is doing well and finding time to play some games with friends and family.  Take care! 

     The Na-Bani are an alien race of humanoids very similar to humans. They have bright yellow skin with dark striping facial patterns, their hair tends to be various shades of bright orange. Na-Bani tend to be of lean and muscular builds, being a militant race, their society frowns on Na-Bani that are overweight or out of shape. Even elder Na-Bani are expected to keep themselves fit and ready to fight, that is those Na-Bani that make it to old age. 

     The Na-Bani are a militant culture, their way of life revolves around combat.  Na-Bani instinctively divide into various clans that often readily engage in conflict with one another. Dominion Scientists have studied the species, and a common theory is that the Na-Bani are a race that was originally engineered to be soldiers for some ancient forgotten power that predates The Dominion Era. Indeed, the species proclivity to divide into groups and wage minor wars on one another, yet having no additional animosity towards other races does give this some merit. However, if an outsider identifies himself as a member/ally of one of the opposed groups he is considered to be fair game. The Na-Bani hotly deny this theory saying they are an independently evolved species. That is they will deny it if one can get them to stop fighting one another long enough to comment. Many pirates and slavers have learned the hard way to leave the Na-Bani alone, there have been reports of pirates attempting to take advantage of the Na-Bani during one of their many wars, thinking that the Na-Bani with their "lower" tech level (they have not developed independent space travel) and "weakened state" due to ongoing war, would be easy pickings, the Na-Bani  when attacked like this quickly stop fighting each other and go full out attack against the invaders, after the foreign threat is repelled they will then resume their previous conflicts with one another


Species: Na-Bani
Species Traits: (Survival, Close Combat, Athletics, Toughness)
Common Flaw: Combative

Friday, January 19, 2024

Star Scoundrels: Gamera Security

     Last post was a Star Scoundrels character write-up so today, I thought I would show how quick and easy it is to stat up opponents and foes for your campaign.  Star Scoundrels calls these Threats.  From the Star Scoundrels rules," A Threat is anything characters must overcome as part of the adventure." A Threat will have a Danger Rating (sort of a difficulty level or CR in D&D Terms), Hits (basically hit points) and any appropriate Tags.

     So without further ado, I present you Gamera Security.  

Gamera Security

Originally a group of reptilian aliens that worked as “security” for a Crime lord. The founding members found they had a knack for bodyguard, security, and “similar” work.  Rumor has it after the Crime boss tried to double cross them, they killed him, ate him, and went independent.  Since then, Gamera Security has spread to many worlds, wherein, a not so gently approach is desired.  The organization continues to only employ reptilian alien species, and they neither confirm nor deny the rumors that they eat sentients that cross them.

Danger Rating: 2    Hits: 4     Tags: Intimidating, Close Combat, Shoot, Brawling

Please note, I saw the name Gamera Security online years ago, don't recall where, so not trying to steal someone's idea. Just thought it would make a cool name for a group of reptilian aliens doing sec work.  

Thursday, January 18, 2024

More Star Scoundrels

 Still sick and snowed/Iced in here so posting a character for Star Scoundrels.

Gusias Vantu

Species: Sluskan 

Species Traits: (Amphibious, Aquatic Survival, Swim, Low-Light Vision, Persuasive, Hardy)

Outlaw: (Blasters, Brawling, Infamous, Spot Trouble, Stealth, Underworld)

Fringer (Awareness, Brawling, Exploration, Repair, Survival, Trading)

Edges: Rifleman, Criminal Contacts, Negotiator

Flaws: Arachnophobia, Wanted by The Sandrekavan Syndicate   

Grit Points: 4

Flow Points: 1

Gear: Accurate, Antique Blaster Rifle, Stolen Extreme Survival Poncho, survival kit, tactical harness, comm unit, survival rations, blaster pistol

Monday, January 15, 2024

Star Scoundrels: Ohlani



     Ohlani are a near human alien species, their height and build match standard human norms, their skin tones are generally a dark pink, some would say fushia, with some having darker pink skin patterns as well, and their eye colors have a wider range than human norms. Ohlani are also bald, with very minimal body hair. 

     Ohlan, was a Fringe World of temperate climes, captivating landscapes, and beautiful forests.  That all changed when The Dominion came.  Most Ohlani possess strong innate abilities to tap into The Flow, and while they practiced a life of peace and harmony with their environment and other species, The Dominion considered them a threat. The assault on the Ohlani homeworld was quick and brutal.  Only a few thousand Ohlani escaped and now live as refugees on other Fringe Worlds. While a rare few use their powers to resist the growing power of The Dominion, most just want to be left alone to mourn their world, their former songs of joy are now songs of sadness, mourning their people and their lost way of life.

Traits: (Flow Sensitivity, Empathy, Agri-tech, Persuasion, Will power, Singing)

Star Scoundrels : Kogareans



Traits: (Huge, Survival, Intimidate, Forest Survival, Strong, Tough Hide)

Common Flaw: Superstitious

Kogareans are a tall (average 7’), humanoid race covered in thick hair and have light brown skin.

Kogareans were originally a happy and peaceful people.  This all changed when a Renegade Dominion Scientist unleashed an (Ancient Alien?) Experimental Device to harness the power of their homeworld’s sun.  The Dominion scientist was unable to control the ancient device, and instead, their sun was destroyed as was the bulk of their civilization and people.  The Kogareans used their starships to flee the destruction of their homeworld; however, the Kogareans only possessed a limited number of starships, nowhere near enough to save the bulk of their people, the remaining Kogareans died on their homeworld.

Since that time, they have spread out in their starships across the stars, hunting for the rogue scientist that destroyed their civilization. After the devastation, The Dominion disavowed the scientist claiming they did not endorse the scientist’s actions although, many Kogareans question the truth of this.

Today, most Kogareans are trained as warriors, favoring both energy and bladed weapons.  Despite their technology, they have always been a superstitious people.  The destruction of their homeworld has only made them even more so. 

Star Scoundrels : A rules lite Sci Fi RPG


 Hope everyone is well, we are in the single digit temps here with what is a heavy snow for us. So, since I have some downtime, and am still on a Sci Fi kick, I thought I would look at Star Scoundrels a bit more. I do like the Black Star RPG, but Star Scoundrels does seem to give just a bit more "something" to differentiate characters and such. 

     Love that cover art!  One of my favorite things to do in Space Opera campaigns is to work up alien species.  Since Star Scoundrels is Star Wars with the serial numbers filed off, thought I would do an alien species loosely based on a Star Wars alien species that shows up in the background from time to time.  I'll let you see if you can determine which species this one is based upon.  Oh, and the art is A.I. I'm no artist so I figured for a blog post, A.I. art should be ok.  

Species: Sluskan  

Species Traits: (Amphibious, Aquatic Survival, Swim, Low-Light Vision, Persuasive, Hardy)

  And just like that we have a species written up.  More to come!