Friday, August 19, 2011

Tusken Raider Unmasked!

This painting was submitted to Lucasfilm in 1993 for the Star Wars Galaxy trading card series and was subsequently rejected since Lucas did not want the Tusken Raider to be unmasked. So, Bradstreet added tattoos on the Tusken Raider's face and small details to the clothes. Also the slung Gaffi Stick was replaced with a rifle. With these changes, the unmasked Tusken Raider became the deadly bounty hunter Taggor Bren and Lucasfilm approved it for the trading card series. More information can be found here.
Just thought this was pretty cool so I thought I'd share.  I think I'll use the first picture as inspiration for a Mutant Bounty Hunter for my Mutant Epoch Campaign!

1 comment:

  1. I always wondered what they might look like under all those wrappings. Keen!
