Sunday, December 9, 2018

Deathlok the Demolisher

In addition to the copy of WeirdWorld mentioned yesterday,  I got a copy of Deathlok The Demolisher (The Complete Collection).

I've always liked this Marvel character, even though he was never really mainstream Marvel. I guess the Futuristic Cyborg nature of him appealed to the Gamma World fan in me. I've only had a few single issues with him in it over the years, so I'm really excited to be able to read up on his stories and adventures.  Definitely should have some good material in this one for gaming purposes as well.

In other news, I'm considering getting back to posting on my blog more. I let it slide, what with Graduate School, Work and posting more on G+, now with G+ going away, I'm thinking I may revisit blogging a bit more. Not sure if the audience is still out there, I know things have changed. I think next year will mark the 10 year anniversary of this blog. Wow, time flies.  The OSR is what brought me back to gaming and got me started blogging in the first place. More to come!


  1. It was the cover of CAP 286 (Zeck) that made me a lifelong fan of Deathlok.

    Blog on!

  2. Hey Johnny! That is a Fantastic Cover! Thanks for the comment.
