I recently learned about the Scrappers 28mm Post-Apocalyptic Skirmish Wargame.
I haven't played 28mm Skirmish games since Necromunda first came out many years ago. Moving large armies across the tabletop never appealed to me but original 40K Rogue Trader and the later Necromunda game were lots of fun. Scrappers draws heavily from classic Gamma World (Some of the Factions in the game are very similar to classic Gamma World Cryptic Alliances), you can use your own minis (just because I haven't played skirmish games in ages, doesn't mean I don't have a ton of suitable minis lying around). You only need 3-15 minis for your crew, so again right up my alley. I've talked to a few friends at the local hobby shop and I've got them interested in trying this one out, so should be fun!
The game's Facebook page is HERE
Here's a review and a play report of the game
Now to go through my boxes and find some suitable minis to use! Have a great weekend and I hope you get some gaming in!