Sunday, August 13, 2023

Black Star RPG


     Thanks to a friend, I recently became aware of the Black Star RPG from LakeSide Game. This is a rules lite Space Opera RPG, with a good bit of a certain "War in the Stars" with the serial numbers filed off thrown into the very loose setting.  Those who read my blog know I've been on a Sci Fi kick for a bit, even though up until recently I had an active 5E Campaign going, I still want to play some Sci Fi!  With my work/life schedule, I've had to put my face-to-face game on hiatus, so I've been looking at trying more Solo, especially Sci Fi Solo.  Given that rolls in Black Star are player facing, this system seems perfectly suited for Solo play, although it looks like it will work just fine for group play as well.  

Here is the official blurb about the game,"Darkness has fallen over the galaxy. The once-noble Galactic Imperium now serves only the Grand Imperator and his inner circle. But the galaxy is vast. While the core worlds may be caught in the Imperium’s grip, many more exist beyond the galactic core, in the barely charted expanse of space known as the black star sector. A haven for criminals and unsavory characters of every stripe, the black star sector is also where the resistance against the Imperium is strongest. If there is any hope of overthrowing the Imperium, the galaxy will need heroes, and those heroes will come from under a Black Star.

Black Star is a rules light sci-fi roleplaying game you can carry around in your pocket. Using the latest version of the Furious Games Engine first used in Magnum Fury and refined in Six-Gun Fury, Black Star is designed for fast play and high-flying action, perfect for classic space opera and heroic science fantasy.

While not a big PDF guy, I prefer book in hand, there is now a print version of the core rules available via lulu. There is also a companion book that was recently released adding more options to the game.

As time permits, I'm going to be trying out this ruleset in Solo mode and maybe even try some Online play?  I don't usually do online, but with this rules lite system, I may just have to take the system for a spin. More to come! 


  1. I have been very curious about this one for a bit now. Especially since I have/had my own game I was calling "Black Star." Ah well. Well in any case this one does look fun.

    1. Hey Timothy! Thanks for dropping by and commenting. It does seem to be a fun rules lite "not" Star Wars RPG. Will post more about it soon. Take care!

  2. Let us know how it goes! The game looks pretty interesting!
