Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rusty the Rust Monster

 When I was a kid I actually had the plastic monster that Gygax based the Rust Monster on.
While I lost the plastic beastie many many years ago (not to mention the original was way to big for use with 28mm minis, unless your creating a Giant Dire Rust Monster!), I've been on the hunt for awhile now for a suitable 28mm Rust Monster for my collection.  I've found a few on Ebay over the years, but they quickly went beyond what I was willing to pay for a mini.  I finally lucked out and got one for a good price, an added bonus was that it was even painted to a good tabletop standard.
He arrived via mail today.

Rusty the Rust Monster
Curiously he was shipped in a METAL Altoids container, must have been fast shipping indeed, otherwise ole' Rusty would have eaten through the metal and escaped!
-Good Gaming


  1. Trey beat me to it. Looks like a larval rust monster.

  2. Whoa! That is one freaky looking beastie!

  3. I played a 1E fighter that carried a stone maul around just in case he ran into a rust monster.

  4. Cute! Oh ok, guess ya'll are right!
    Christian, freaky now that's better! LOL
    Tetsubo, smart! Did he ever have to use it?

  5. Actually, no. :) But I was prepared. :)
