Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stars Without Number: New Edition Coming in September!

Here is the new cover of the new edition of Stars Without Number RPG that will be released by Mongoose Publishing this September. According to the author this version will have 40 pages of new content, rules for Robot PC's will be in this edition!  The lack of robots was one element that I felt was missing from the current edition of the rules, so their inclusion is a welcome addition to an already great game!  The current version is still FREE in pdf!  And apparently will remain free after this new version is published.  If your into Sci Fi, and a fan of the Basic D&D mechanic with a healthy dose of Traveller thrown in, I highly recommend you check it out!
Good Gaming - B.


  1. People really seem to like this game. When the new edition comes out, I will try to bag a copy in print.

  2. For me it hits that sweet spot between Old School D&D and Classic Traveller.

  3. I do like this system - but I find the character classes somewhat lacking in substance (my one and own criticism of the entire system, by the way). I'm using a mix of Stars Without Number and Cascade Failure. I love the many great planetary generation tables in SWON so I've been using those as well as the very excelletn starship and vehicle combat rules to fill in the gaps in the Cascade Failure beta rules.

  4. Ditto what Brutorz Bill said.

    I am both thrilled and dismayed by this... a $40 hardcover corebook and I'm only getting 40 pages of new material... but on the other hand, I don't want to miss the new material.

    I was also planning to snag print copies of Skyward Steel and Polychrome this month, but perhaps I should wait for the Mongoose versions, in case extra content should be added.

  5. Dangerous Brian, I've looked at Cascade Failure, it definately has some cool stuff going for it, but it seems a bit more 3.x than retro (IMHO), I find myself going more old school these days. I'm sure I will probably still be looting stuff from CF for my SWN Campaigns. Especially stuff from your website! ; )
    Ryan, the $40 price took me back a bit as well, but I'm factoring in all the free content you can get to go along with it, and having the rules free in PDF is pretty sweet. I didn't realize that Polychrome and Skyward Steel were also going to be Mongoose-ized...I was budgeting to pick those up myself.

  6. Well, Skyward Steel is, but I don't know about Polychrome. I actually emailed Kevin Crawford to ask him. I'll let you know.

  7. @ Bill: Cheers Bill. You really know how to make my day. Glad you're enjoying the blog. And I agree 100%, much more 3.X than retro as far as rules go, but it still manages to keep that old school feel somehow. Just how it strikes me. I'd be lost for an answer if you asked me why.

  8. I was quite impressed with SWN. I *really* liked what they did with psionics. Especially the telekinesis ability. But $40 for an additional 40 pages...? I think I will pass.

  9. I'll probably throw down for the hardcover. I really like the system and even if we don't run it for a while I'll enjoy the read.
