Sunday, March 21, 2010

"He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"
--George Orwell, Animal Farm


  1. Between this asinine furor over Zak's show, and the healthcare debate, the past two days have pretty clearly shown which bloggers are conservative assholes.
    The bill isn't great, but somehow I doubt you got this worked up when the patriot act let the government into our private lives.
    Anyway, you, the sword and shield guy, bat in the attic guy, etc. It's funny that all the blogs that post boring, vanilla, neckbeard bullshit are almost unfailingly written by people who's politics disgust me.
    Animal Farm wasn't about the evils of common decency-it was about Stalin. In Stalinist Russia, this type of post meant you would be taken without trial in the middle of the night and put in a work camp for twenty years, probably along with your family.
    You think of yourself as a subversive, as a free thinker. If you were oppressed Fox News wouldn't be around to tell you what to think. But fuck the poor, right?

  2. Hey Harlo,
    Actually I did get this worked up over the Patriot Act more so actually. Thanks for your comments, although I'm not a fan of your choice of language, you are entitled to your thoughts and opinions as am I. For the record I work in healthcare have for many many years, I'd be the first to say we need reform,but this bill isn't the way to get it. I see what happens to the poor on the healthcare front lines every day. Sorry that you don't care for my blog, perhaps you will find what you are looking for elsewhere.
    Good Gaming.

  3. I'm just sick of the hyperbole that goes into these sorts of things. When you quote animal farm for something like this, you really are doing a tremendous disservice to the millions who were killed in purges and Gulags.
    Do you honestly believe that privatized healthcare in America is better than the proposed changes? I agree that the bill is shit, but my sentiments run more to "it isn't enough" than "Black Communists! Start buying gold!"

  4. Harlo,

    Will is too m,uch of a gentleman to tell you what a self-riteous prat you are. Do you even know him? And what about the posting of a scene from a Star Wars movie and the Animal Farm quote says anything about healthcare reform.

    It is obvious tht you are yet another internet troll in need of a sound drubbing. You wish to comment on other people's blogs, then perhaps you may want to post a link to your own site where we can all bear witness to your self-proclaimed lofty craft. You want to be taken seriously in blog land, try not posting anonymously.

    You may not have noticed, but this is a gaming and hobby blog, put here for the enjoyment of people who find that sort of thing interesting. If you do not care for it, then please do us all a favor and move along. Just like any form of media, nobody forces you to watch and if you don't like it "change the channel".


  5. I feel like once you express an overblown, hyperbolic, and yes, "self riteous" opinion on a blog, you invite criticism. If you don't want a reaction, don't post such theatrical political commentary.

  6. Harlo,
    As I said before you are entitled to your opinion. Since you don't like me or my blog or my blog's boring vanilla B.S. content, I'm really not seeing that I have much to offer you here.
    I wish you the best.

  7. Apparently Mr. Harlo did not understand my request to move on, due to that I have changed my comment settings. Let's get back to gaming!

  8. Sorry you had to deal with Harlo, he clearly doesn't' understand life isn't written in black and white. Folks like he don't understand plenty of conservatives detested the Patriot Act because they were actually conservatives. They can't imagine reality isn't just a simple two alignment system.

  9. This geekiest political cometary I have ever seen. Whole I can't agree with your message, I applaud your nerdom.

  10. Thanks JD and BlUsKrEEM.
    Kind Regards,

  11. Wow, who would have thought Brutorz Bill, one of the nicest guys in the gaming scene would attract so much ire?

  12. I enjoy (I mean that sincerely) the benefits of a Canadian universal health care system. I too work in the health care industry (as a manager in the private/for-profit portion of the system). I wish more of our Canadian system was public.

    The alarmism over the passage of the US health care bill seems overblow to me. But I respect your right to express a lack of enthusiasm for it.
