Saturday, January 16, 2010

Success! Gameroom Work in progress...

My wife got this shelf unit for me for Free!  How cool is that?!  I should have taken a "before" picture.  When she first brought it home I wasn't so sure about it. It was covered with cobwebs, dirt and had alot of loose pieces and stuff.  After a little pledge, alot of cleaner and some hammering, I now have the perfect shelf for my books.


  1. Awesome find on your wife's part. Give her a high five from me.

  2. I agree: neat shelf. Now your hoard has a home :)

  3. Sweet! I need a bookshelf for my fantasy and sci-fi collection in the worst way. Good score!

  4. Sweet! Now I really must think about smartening up my gamesroom.

  5. Thanks for all the great feedback guys!
    Now I just need to get the free time to do some actually gaming! : )
