Saturday, June 22, 2024

Planet of the Apes RPG Kickstarter (Minis and More)


Due to work and family I'm behind on this Planet of the Apes RPG update.

The Kickstarter is Underway!!!!

Please note I am not affiliated with this project just a PotA fan. 

Also go check out my friend's blog RPG Overviews for a great  Ape RPG info video.

Have a great Simian Saturday, hope you get some gaming in, hang out with friends and family and be kind to each other! 


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Official Planet of the Apes RPG Primer


No, it isn't Simian Saturday, BUT I didn't want to wait till Saturday to post about this.

Check out The Planet of the Apes RPG Primer over HERE

Good to see some D6 system options, and with Apes no less and classic POTA for the win!!! 

Gotta run! Watch out for those Gorilla Soldiers!